Thursday, August 29, 2013

THe elements of design

The elements of design


Space: Space is the area around or between elements in a design you are trying to make. It can be used to separate or group info. If you use it effectively you can define importance, lead the eye through design and more!

Line: A line is a mark between two points. There are many types of lines from straight to squiggly to curved and much more. Lines can be used for a wide range of purposes like stressing a word or phrase, connecting content to one another and also making patterns.

Value: Value is how light or dark an area looks. Everything from black to white and all shades in between, has a value. You can use value to create depth and light to create a pattern to lead the eye or emphasize.

Size: Size is how small or large something is. A small poster to a big poster for example. Use size to define importance, create visual interest in a design and also to attract importance and lots more.

Shape:  We all learned basic shapes in grade school, odd or lesser seen shapes can be used to attract attention. There are 3 types’ shapes geometric, natural, and abstracted.

Texture: Texture relates the surface of an object or the look or feel. Using texture in a design is a great way to add depth and visual interest.

Color: Color is used to generate emotion, define importance. Some colors are warm and active( red, orange) and others  some are cool and passive.( blue, purple)